Commercial Epoxy Flooring Services

Commercial Epoxy Flooring Services

Commercial and industrial facilities need sustainable flooring that’s a reflection of their business. Properly installed epoxy floors are durable, easy to maintain, and offer a visually appealing surface. You’ll be glad you read this!

They also prevent bacterial and germ growth, making them suitable for environments that require a sterile or sanitized environment, like food manufacturing facilities. Other benefits include:


Epoxy floor coatings strengthen concrete floors to make them more durable and long-lasting. They can also help withstand impacts and heavy machinery, making them ideal for businesses that require high levels of durability.

Epoxies are also chemical-resistant, meaning that they’re able to repel most spills and chemicals. This makes them perfect for businesses that require a sanitary or sterile environment like hospitals or clinics.

They are also dustproof, which makes them safe for people with allergies or asthma. They are simple to clean and can be swept or mopped with water and detergent solution.

Typically, epoxy floor coatings are applied by professional commercial contractors with the right equipment and training to ensure a flawless application that is resistant to chipping or cracking. These professionals perform proper surface preparation to make sure the coating adheres correctly, including media blasting or diamond grinding. They also offer a variety of customization options, such as flakes, inlays, or metallic looks that will allow your business to stand out among the competition.

Easy Maintenance

Commercial epoxy floor coatings have a smooth, attractive appearance that adds to the professional look of your business. This seamless flooring also resists stains and discoloration that would otherwise require time-consuming repairs. With routine cleaning, you can keep your floors looking new and attractive to welcome customers and clients.

Regular maintenance includes sweeping or vacuuming the floor to remove dirt and debris before mopping with a mild detergent or water. Heavy traffic areas may need to be cleaned more frequently to prevent dirt and grime build-up. Spills should be wiped up immediately to avoid staining.

For areas that need slip resistance, textured epoxy can be sprinkled with aggregates such as quartz sand or aluminum oxide to ensure the safety of your employees. These textured surfaces can be customized in many ways to match your specific business needs. This enables you to create the ideal work environment that is safe and appealing to your staff. This ultimately helps reduce company downtime and the resulting lapse in production that can cost you money.


Commercial and industrial settings often require custom floor coatings. A specialized epoxy compound can be mixed with a wide range of pigments, allowing you to customize the color and pattern of your floor. It can also include a large representation of your company logo, which can add a touch of personality to an otherwise bland space. Some facilities need to have rodent lines and hazard markings included, and these can be added as well.

Epoxy flooring is a durable material that can hold up to the rigors of daily foot and equipment traffic without cracking or discoloring. This allows you to minimize the number of times that cleaning crews have to come to your business and reduce the costs associated with those visits.

A simple maintenance regimen consisting of daily sweeping or dust mopping and weekly wet mopping with a pH-neutral floor cleaner will help you maintain the beautiful appearance that your floors deserve. Avoiding the need for frequent resurfacing or repairs and avoiding service shutdowns keeps your business running smoothly and profitably.


Epoxy floors offer a safe choice for commercial and industrial properties. They are non-slip and can be customized with various levels of slip protection to give people the grip they need to work in high-traffic areas.

The epoxy coating is non-porous and impenetrable, making it resistant to stains, mold, and mildew. These floors can be mopped and sanitized easily, which is especially helpful in food processing and healthcare facilities.

This self-leveling epoxy system fills in voids and cracks of old, damaged concrete, creating a smooth and seamless flooring surface that is easy to clean and durable. It can also be tinted with different colors to denote industrial equipment traffic patterns, distinct logos, and decorative designs or to highlight work zones in safety or hazardous industrial or manufacturing environments. It offers protection from impacts, chemicals, and abrasions, and is highly resistant to fire. This is why it’s such a great choice for warehouses, showrooms, garages, and hangers. Click here for the next blog post.